5 min readJan 26, 2022


Twitter Space — Tue 26th January

Minutes from the space.


MHOUSE believe that everybody should have access to the resources they need to participate in the web3 revolution.


MHOUSE is a community that connects web3 innovators with the resources they need to succeed.


One of the core values of MHOUSE is to be member obsessed.

When we started, we had 0 members and we had to predict what members might want.

The original model was to be invite-only, inviting only personal contacts and direct IRL connections.

The goal — create a very high quality, core group.

All visitors to the discord had to go through an application process to get accesss to the members area.

Over the last month we have been going through each application form — hundreds — one by one and taking on board the feedback.

After reviewing every single application, we were able to identify key areas of value that members wanted to obtain from membership — and we have used this to rebuild the foundations of MHOUSE.

This is what we are presenting to you today.


To really deliver value and take the MHOUSE message to the world, the community needs to be able to scale and we need to make the group more open… just like web3.

We believe access to good information, advice on security, advice on quality, is a basic “human right” of web3.. we want to be as open to as many people as possible.


+ we wish to grow the community

+ we want to maintain a high quality of membership (certainly don’t want bots or trolls!)

… and…. wherever possible…

+ we want to make as much as possible completely free as a public good to the community

“Exclusive, yet inclusive
[shout-out Tonwig!]


To achieve a curated membership, we have created a new application process that checks that everybody who joins is:

+ a real person

+ has a genuine involvement or interest in web3

+ will enrich the community.

The new application process makes the application publicly available on the website.

After applying, people will have to verify that they are a real person and only then will their application form get added to the queue.

A member of the MHOUSE team will manually review every single application.

Successful applicants will be given a single-use link to the MHOUSE discord.

+ this allows scaling — community referrals, networking & digital marketing

+ provides greater reach — including innovators not in our current network / people coming into web3

+ improves Discord security (only MHOUSE team members can hand out invite links)

For example, the old system would have excluded everyone listening to this Twitter space…

…but now anybody here can go to and apply to join.


As the community scales, the MHOUSE team will need to grow too — and to ensure a cohesive future team, we have created a framework of 9 values upon which every decision has to be made.

Member Obsessed

Do everything we fucking can to prioritise our members achieving their goals. Deliver results, Make an Impact, Service matters. Results first, substance over flash, Proactive and friendly customer service.


The potential to reach every person on the planet. Ensure nothing is dependent on any specific team member. Build processes and systems, not jobs.

Increase Integrity

Increase the integrity and trust of the MHOUSE brand. MHOUSE is the brand.

Communicate Well

Simple, understandable, communicated well, easy, clear “be straightforward” Communicate fiercely to build trust

Good Enough to Ship

We aim for good enough — if it's good ship it NOW and improve it later. Speed. If you want to change somebody's life start by changing their day

Nurture Community

Community development, belonging, inclusivity. Together. Empathy. solidarity, Show Respect, Create a culture of honesty. Treat fellow members like friends and family. create a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome


The need for information crosses all borders, Learn and be curious, Encourage curiosity, Nurture Passion, Learn by doing, Be the change you seek Seek diverse perspectives. Leverage collective genius

Do the Right Thing.

Show a deep respect for human beings and the communities in which they live. Don't be a cunt.

No Hidden Sponsorships

MEWS, MTALKS, etc will never be biased. News and slots on the podcast can never be bought and items will only be included on their merit. This makes MHOUSE services different from any others — they will always have integrity.

Provide Value for All Experience Ranges

The single most important thing we learned from the 200 application forms was that people want to be part of a community of like-minded people and benefit from the support and information of that community.

At one end of the spectrum, there are a lot of people that want to enter this space or want to grow in this space and we want to ensure they start in the right way with the right people and not get scammed

At the other, there are people that are experienced or even experts in crypto, who want a space where they can geek out with people who share their interests and their experience.

To achieve this balance and to provide spaces for everybody, we are changing the structure of the Discord.

The foyer, members lounge and library will be open to all members and provide timely information, a networking space and useful resources.

There will be 4 private channels (clubs) for more experienced members and membership to these clubs will be through a separate application process.

Artists Club

Businesspersons Club

Collectors Club

Developers Club

We will announce more information about these in due course.


You will have noticed by now that the original plan of having a paid membership NFT to secure revenue for MHOUSE has changed.

Instead, we will be securing revenue for MHOUSE (and community members) through MPROJECTS.

Community members will be given the opportunity to participate directly in MPROJECTS which will have the goal of:

+ delivering sustainable change

+ bringing in revenue to MHOUSE

+ increasing the reach of the MHOUSE brand

For example, artists could provide creative content, businesspeople could help market the project, collectors could be the early investors and the developers could build the smart contracts.

The first MPROJECT is going to be announced on/around the 7th of February…watch this space!

(7th feb announcement, 8th feb AMA)


Visitors need to apply to join in the discord to become core members or they will be kicked on Sunday

New members Show and Tell Twitter Space on Thursday with Unios and ShadowQuest at 23:00 CET

NIOTY — excited to announce first guest judge — Neil Strauss. The judging panel will start creating a shortlist of 10 from the 100+ nominees




The international members club for Web3 & NFT innovators.